MO1 ハケ目
ハケ目と呼ばれる柄があります。 本来は陶磁器の装飾法の一つのことを指すのですが、立川織物では昔から1本1本を別の糸で織って縞風の感じに見えるものをハケ目と呼んできました。 ハケで塗ったときのように見えることからそう呼ばれてきたのではないかと思います。 少なくとも100年前からあった ハケ目 を 亀田縞 厚地 の1番目の品番として製作しました。
"Kamedajima" is characterized by its good texture and beautiful pattern woven with indigo.
It is a yarn-dyed cotton fabric that first dyes threads to make stripes. Since it was originally made as stray clothing, it is resistant to water and has the characteristic of becoming familiar to the hands as it is washed. Double washer processing and sun drying make it feel good on the skin and can be washed at home. It seems that the needles are easy to sew when sewing.
There are dark blue stripes and white stripes, and there are more than 100 types. There are thin and normal fabrics and wrinkle processing, so you can enjoy the fun of choosing patterns and materials.
Tachikawa Textile also manufactures plain Kameda stripes of the same manufacturing method in response to customer requests. I think the range of combinations will expand further.
こちらでは亀田縞の歴史や話題についてご案内しております。 名産織物として栄え、戦争や時代の変化により衰退した亀田縞。
Customers who are new to us often get lost. p>
LINE official account has a button to get to the parking lot. p>
I hope you can register as a friend and use it. p>
A small gallery in Tachikawa Textile. p>
We display and sell clothes, accessories, bags, etc. p>
Most of the fabrics can be made to order, so please look forward to the colors and patterns. p>
The dough sales workshop is adjacent and you will find all the dough in the catalog. p>
Business Hours: 10: 00-17: 00 p>
Closed: Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays (Open once a month on Saturdays and Sundays) p> p>
Inquiries: 025-381-3067